Golden Isles College + Career Academy

The Golden Isles College and Career Academy is an extension of Glynn County School System and serves students in grades 9-12 that attend either Glynn Academy or Brunswick High School. As an extension of the high schools students take their academics (Math, Science, English, History, etc.) at their "base" high school and come to the Career Academy for non-academic courses.
Transportation is provided to and from the base high schools. Students start and end their day at their base high school. They also eat lunch at their base high school.

Many of our courses offer dual-enrollment credit through Coastal Pines Technical College. There is no cost for a high school student to take dual-enrollment courses, and books are included! These credits count toward both high school graduation and college graduation if the student pursues a post-secondary degree related to the
courses they took at the Career Academy. All Georgia students are eligible to take up to 30 credit hours of FREE dual-enrollment courses while in high school. Coastal Pines Advisors are available to assist students and parents with the application process, or students can talk to their high school counselor.

For a list of available Pathways and a description of each, CLICK ON THE PATHWAYS TAB ABOVE.